Monday, April 20, 2009

Ommegang Three Philosophers

Here's the third and final beer from the Ommegang 3-pack: Three Philosophers, a Belgian quadruple blend, 9.8%abv.

I think this has always been my favorite in the Ommegang lineup. It's kind of interesting - a blend of 98% ale (quadruple) and 2% Kriek (a cherry lambic)...a very subtle way of adding complexity.

It pours a hazy dark reddish-brown, with minimal head that dissipates quickly. The first sniff makes me recoil in surprise a little - it's overpoweringly fruity. Cherries, plum, fig, some sweet syrupy malt...amazing.

The promise of cherry on the label and in the nose has you searching for the fruit in the first sip - but instead you get powerful malt, some coffee, and some surprising chocolatey toastiness. It's crazy - it smells like jam but tastes like toast (in a good way). There's a little bit of cherry in there, but the alcohol presence burns it away.

It's delicious, spicy, sweet, complex... relaxing with a bottle of Three Philosophers is a very enjoyable way to spend the afternoon.

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